Done With Rehab? Now The Real Work Begins
Done With Rehab? Now The Real Work Begins
Congratulations! You finished your rehab.
You’re feeling good, and ready to get back to all your favorite activities.
That’s awesome. But the work isn’t done. It’s just getting started.
That might sound like a bummer, but it’s really just a reality check.
Let’s look at the facts:
Unless you were in a traumatic accident, it’s very likely that the injury which lead you to need Physical Therapy was a combination of insufficient mechanics (lack of mobility, strength or both), accumulation of physical insults (those little “things” that you brushed off over and over) and eventually an injury that stopped you in your tracks.
What does the evidence say about injury risk:
The number one predictor of future injury is past injury.
Now, let’s get back to your current situation. You’ve finished rehabbing your injury, or addressing your persistent pain. You’re back to where you were before, but with the increased risk of future injury that comes with past injury. And you’re stoked to get back to doing all the things you were doing before… when you got hurt.
Can you see where I’m going with this?
You’re back to “normal” with an inherent increase in risk of future injury.
You’re going back to doing all the same things you were doing when you got injured.
I’m not trying to scare you but… does that seem like a good idea?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein
Smart guy, Albert.
Let’s get to the point:
Once you’ve experienced an injury, you can’t come back the same. You have to come back BETTER.
You need to be stronger. More mobile. More stable. More enduring and resilient. More everything. Because your risk profile has gone up.
That’s why I say your work has just begun. And this work… this work takes discipline.
You had motivation to recover from injury. The pain was motivation. The inability to workout with your friends, to sleep normally, to drive your car pain free. That was all the motivation you needed to work hard and rehab effectively.
But now? Now you feel good. Now you’re training to reduce the risk of future injury. Now, you need discipline. You need structure. You need a system and someone to hold you accountable.
You need more than traditional physical therapy can offer, and certainly more than your insurance company will cover.
“Ok I GET IT. So, what do I actually need to do?”
If that’s the question you’re asking yourself right now, and you feel like I’ve been talking about you this whole time - set up a free discovery call with us to learn about Performance Plus Training. We know “good enough” isn’t good enough, so we’ve created something better.